Johannes Luik

Johannes Luik (1988) is an installation artist and sculptor living and working in Tallinn, Estonia. Luik graduated from Estonian Academy of Arts with a degree in Installation and Sculpture (BA 2019), LUCA School of Arts in Belgium with a degree in Fine Arts (MA 2021), and Estonian Academy of Arts with a degree in Contemporary Art (MA 2022). Luik has been awarded with Adamson-Eric Scholarship (2020) and Young Sculptor Award (2017 and 2018). In 2023, Johannes Luik, in collaboration with Laura De Jaeger, received the Annual Award of Cultural Endowment for Visual and Applied Arts for the exhibition “The Garden of Stretching Figures (and Other Forms of Metamorphosis)” by Jaan Luik.

As a sculptor and installation artist, Luik is interested in the materiality of (objects) and the parameters that describe the properties of the physical world, such as material, texture, mass, volume and dimensionality.

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