Exhibition by Johannes Luik will open in Tütar gallery

On Wednesday, September 4th at 7 pm, Johannes Luik will open his solo show “Residue: The house is on fire and I am waiting” at Tütar gallery.

Johannes Luik (1988) graduated from Estonian Academy of Arts with a degree in Installation and Sculpture (BA 2019), LUCA School of Arts in Belgium with a degree in Fine Arts (MA 2021), and Estonian Academy of Arts with a degree in Contemporary Art (MA 2022). Luik has been awarded with Adamson-Eric Scholarship (2020) and Young Sculptor Award (2017 and 2018). Last year, Johannes Luik, in collaboration with Laura De Jaeger, received the Annual Award of Cultural Endowment for Visual and Applied Arts for the exhibition “The Garden of Stretching Figures (and Other Forms of Metamorphosis)” by Jaan Luik.

In the exhibition opening at Tütar gallery, Luik focuses on transformation of wood and space. Johannes Luik explores how materials and spaces, which often become invisible in everyday life, have hidden potential. The exhibition, through a material-centered approach, aims to conceptualize different stages of human life, questioning, among other things, whether an intense burning process is necessarily the end of something.

Graphic design: Ott Metusala
Accompanying text: Eik Hermann

Johannes Luik’s exhibition at Tütar gallery will be open until October 20th and is free to the public.

The exhibition is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.