Photos: Opening of “Residue: The house is on fire and I am waiting” by Johannes Luik

Johannes Luik (1988) graduated from Estonian Academy of Arts with a degree in Installation and Sculpture (BA 2019), LUCA School of Arts in Belgium with a degree in Fine Arts (MA 2021), and Estonian Academy of Arts with a degree in Contemporary Art (MA 2022).

Eik Hermann writes in the accompanying text: “In this exhibition, Luik has also begun experimenting with the so-called aftermath. It is a material that has lost its function and form. Some of this material can be reused, while other types are already hopelessly unsuitable for human use. The latter can be found, for example, in burnt houses and other destroyed structures. The aftermath also has a human layer: it corresponds to a situation in which we feel like a human wreck— a shadow of a person on the verge of collapse, whose life and long-term plans have been destroyed, with no new ones on the horizon.”

Text: Eik Hermann
Graphic design: Ott Metusala
Exhibition opening gallery: Kaarel Antonov